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Egg Freezing

Plan ahead for your future fertility with egg freezing

Egg freezing, or oocyte preservation, is a proven technology that allows women to freeze their eggs and store them for use in the future. At Virginia Center for Reproductive Medicine, we are able to stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple eggs and retrieve them from your ovaries.

Egg freezing and IVF, when the time is right, helps women achieve the goal of a pregnancy on their terms and timeline.

Your biological clock is a reality; freezing your eggs stops it

VCRM is pleased to announce its new financial program to encourage women to freeze their eggs for fertility preservation. Our unique program allows you to pay 50% of the fee at treatment start and then pay the other 50% in monthly installments over one year with zero financing charge. This should help make this process within financial reach for most working women. For more details about our innovative program please call the office at 703-437-7722 or email us at
We want women to be informed about fertility and the reasons why egg freezing can help. A woman’s fertility begins to decline in her early 20s and continues to progressively decline until she is in her late 30s, when fertility steeply declines.

Deteriorating fertility can’t be reversed, but egg freezing gives you the potential to avert the risks by preserving younger eggs. The age of a woman’s eggs is directly related to the chances for getting pregnant.

At our Virginia fertility center, we encourage women to pursue egg freezing before age 38. After age 38, there are often fewer viable eggs available to be retrieved and preserved, necessitating multiple attempts to freeze enough eggs.

Who is a good candidate for elective egg freezing?

Women may choose egg freezing for many different reasons.

  • Single women in their late 20s and early-to-mid 30s who want to have a family in the future
  • Women with a strong family history of early menopause or premature ovarian failure
  • Women with ovarian endometriomas or recurring ovarian cysts
  • Women undergoing fertility treatment who would prefer to freeze eggs, not embryos

Now that this procedure has been proven to be a safe and reliable procedure, some women choose to use frozen eggs during IVF at our Virginia fertility center. Our laboratory staff performs a reliable, state-of-the-art technique called vitrification to freeze unfertilized eggs that can be fertilized at a later time.

We were pioneers in the process of freezing eggs

VCRM was the first fertility center in the DC metro area to offer egg freezing in 2003. Dr. Fady Sharara, our dual board certified fertility specialist, and our experienced laboratory team will oversee your procedure. If you are considering egg freezing, contact us. The future is in your hands.