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Age and Male Infertility

3 important facts men need to know about age and male infertility

It’s true that a man has the ability to produce sperm until the day he dies, but research shows that a man’s ability to father children may be affected by age-related male infertility factors. Male factors make up half of the causes of infertility that Dr. Fady Sharara may identify at our Virginia fertility center.

We know that many men are not aware of this, so we would like to provide information about the link between age and male infertility.

  1. Changes in sperm are the most common cause of age-related male infertility.

    We know that abnormal sperm cause the majority of male infertility problems. When a man reaches age 40 and beyond, he gradually experiences several changes in his sperm.

    • Lower sperm count
    • A decline in sperm movement
    • A decline in sperm quality
    • Abnormalities in sperm shape and structure (morphology)
    • DNA in sperm begins to break down, causing chromosomal abnormalities
  2. As men age, the incidence of erectile dysfunction increases.

    Erectile dysfunction, or ED, is another cause of age-related male infertility. We know that ED occurs more often as men age. This can occur for a variety of physical and psychological reasons, which need to be diagnosed and treated.

  3. Age causes changes in the organs in the male reproductive system that can cause the system to operate less efficiently.

    Changes to male reproductive organs also begin to occur gradually at age 40, including smaller, softer testes and less elasticity in the tubes that carry the sperm. These physical changes can make it more difficult for the body to properly produce and transport sperm for fertilization.

    Most recently we introduced the CAP Score testing which allows us to predict whether IUI or IVF/ICSI is needed. VCRM is the only Fertility Center in the greater DC area that offers this new and innovative test.

Elderly men can father children, but if you are serious about pursuing fatherhood, we think it’s important to learn more about age and male infertility. If you are concerned about your age and your fertility, our Virginia fertility center staff provides fertility testing, fertility preservation and fertility treatment in an intimate, boutique setting. Contact us for more information.

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