Three proactive steps you can take to address infertility
Spring is the season of new life emerging and the perfect time to focus on infertility awareness issues. Every spring, we look forward to flowers emerging through the fresh dirt and baby ducks waddling down river banks – all the poignant signs that new life is beginning. For one in eight couples, dreams of a new baby do not arrive as easily or quickly as they thought it might due to infertility issues.
—Henry Rollins
Here are three important infertility awareness issues any top Washington, DC fertility center would like you to understand. At the Virginia Center for Reproductive Medicine, we advocate for this important cause all year long.
- Infertility awareness means knowing when to seek help.
If you are under age 35, and you’ve been having unprotected sexual intercourse for one year without conceiving, or, if you are age 35 or older and have not become pregnant after six months of unprotected sexual intercourse, you should talk to our experienced fertility specialist, Fady Sharara, M.D.
- Be aware that male infertility issues account in part or in full for one-third of infertility cases
Understanding the causes of infertility is an important part of infertility awareness. Many people still believe that infertility issues are a woman’s problem, but this is one of many fertility myths. It’s important to understand that men also need to undergo a fertility evaluation, as well as testing and treatment.
- Understand how maternal age impacts fertility
Another important aspect of infertility awareness is understanding advanced maternal age and conception, including the types of testing and treatment that are available to help older women.
The most important measure of fertility as women age is ovarian reserve, or the egg supply in the ovaries. Any credible Washington, DC fertility center will offer AMH, or antimullerian hormone testing, a type of fertility testing that provides us with valuable information about ovarian reserve.
Infertility awareness provides hope to people who want to welcome a new life
The more you learn about infertility awareness and the many tests and treatments available, the more likely you are to seek out a Washington, DC fertility center. There is hope! Educate yourself and ask questions. Then contact us for an appointment.